
  • Important Things To Know Before You Buy An Australian Labradoodle

    If you are ready to get a furry companion for you and your family, then getting a medium Australian Labradoodle puppy is a great option to pursue. These dogs are smart, active, loyal, and incredibly cute. That being said, there are some important things that you should know before you bite the bullet and buy Australian Labradoodle dogs. The following important information can help you know whether or not this really is the breed you are looking for.
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  • Helpful Tips To Potty Train Your Puppy

    Getting a new puppy can be an exciting time. Puppies are adorable and cuddly. They also have that oh-so-sweet puppy breath. Puppies are more than just cuddles and cuteness. They require attention, food and water, and proper medical care as well as exercise. If you don't have time to put in the work required to train a new puppy, you may want to re-think bringing a puppy into your home. Puppies don't know what they're doing in your new home, so training them is essential.
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  • Strategies To Help Slim Down Your Fat Feline

    Is your feline friend getting a little chubby? It might be time to address your cat's diet and make some changes to trim a few pounds. You should, however, be wary of sudden or significant weight loss in cats, as cats should shed pounds gradually through portion control and with increased activity or exercise. Some tips to help your cat lose weight are: Control the cat's portions. Portion control is key when trying to help your cat lose weight.
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  • Important Benefits Of Boarding Your Cat

    When you are needing to travel, there are a number of reasons why you should consider boarding your cat rather than taking it with you. For those that are unfamiliar with cat boarding services, there are several particularly important reasons why you should consider utilizing these services to care for your pet while you are away.   Avoid Travel Complications And Expenses It is often possible to travel with a pet, and while this may seem like an ideal solution, it can present a number of challenges.
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  • Go To Sleep! 3 Reasons Your Doggone Pooch Keeps You Awake At Night

    You cuddle up under the covers, stretch out your legs, and prepare to drift off to dreamland, but unfortunately, your playful pooch seems to have other ideas other than bedtime. It can be downright comical to see the things some dogs will do in the middle of the night to keep their owners awake, but if you're the poor pup parent that's not getting any rest, it is anything but funny.
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  • Picking Up Your Bearded Dragon

    If you just bought a bearded dragon, you are most certainly excited about sharing time with this new companion. This reptile is a great pet for both beginners and those who have had several other reptiles in the past. Soon after you acquire this reptile, chances are you will want to pick it up so it gets used to you as well as its new home. Here are some tips you can use to help your bearded dragon make the transition from a cage or aquarium dweller to a social pet.
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  • What To Expect When Your Female Animals Are Expecting: How Vets Perform Pregnancy Checks

    If you have a pet or farm animal that you suspect is pregnant (or one that you are hoping is pregnant), then you will want to engage the veterinary services of an experienced and qualified vet. Depending on the size of the animal, the pregnancy check is very different for each kind of animal. Here is what you can expect, based upon the size and type of animal you want checked for pregnancy.
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  • Teething Puppies: How To Calm And Comfort Your New Dog

    Believe it or not, puppies have baby teeth and lose them just like human babies do. While this is a natural process that dogs normally don't need any help with, there may be periods of discomfort and anxiety that go with the teething process. This guide will help you to care for your puppy during this time, reduce their anxiety, and prevent them from being destructive by biting. When Dogs Lose Their Teeth
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  • 4 Tips For Choosing A Pet Boarding Facility For Your Puppy

    Planning a vacation means making arrangements for every member of your household, including any pets you may have. If you've recently adopted a puppy, you may be feeling stressed out over the future plans for them while you're away from home. If you can't bring along your puppy for the trip, you'll want to look into how to best choose a dog boarding facility that will be ideal for them to stay.
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